Simple DIY Kit

Above Ground Pool Screen

You've found the best above ground swimming pool screen/cage kit available! is the place to solve your above ground pool problems. This is the screened pool enclosure that's saving people time and money on pool maintenance and pool chemicals. Have a tree a little too close to your pool? Sick and tired of cleaning leaves, bugs, twigs, and who knows what out of your above ground pool? The Pool Igloo will fix it.

You're not going to have to wonder how clean your pool is before deciding to go for a swim from now on. No more worrying about how much debris each gust of wind has blown into your backyard oasis. This Do it yourself pool screen dome kit is easy to set up, and will make you wonder why you spent so much time without it. 

Save on pool maintenance
with this above ground Pool Igloo!

More On This Pool Screen Dome

The Igloo is an above ground swimming pool cover made of screen formed into a dome over a pool. Using custom plastic poles to form the frame, this engineered design has made the Pool-Igloo strong and flexible while giving it a unique style and appealing look. The curved design helps with the dispersement of leaves and twigs keeping virtually all bugs and debris out of the swimming pool allowing for savings of up to 75% less use of pool chemicals. With the family friendly Do-It-Yourself- Kit, just about any family member can put together the Igloo in a few hours. The screen can easily be drawn over the entire frame giving you a sunscreen protection of up to 20% of UV rays.